These stories are a way to process my experiences, and then share them with you. Our lives are full of moments we want to capture, and writing helps me distill the lessons I've learned from each one. I used to live an unexamined life, but now I strive to be more conscious in everything I do. My hope is to inspire others to live more thoughtfully and with greater self-awareness.
Nothing Lasts Forever
There are a million cliches and let’s not forget all the song lyrics!
Over the last few weeks, I have sort of made a list of things that I thought would never change, things I thought I would be doing for the rest of my life.
Manifestation – have you heard of it?
In the simplest terms, manifestation is putting your intention towards something that you hope will happen, and then watching it happen in real life. In other words, if you think it, it'll come true. - Julia Malacoff Look around the space you are in, you will find something that you once upon a time did not have, but desired, and now it is in your reality.
Be A Man – turning a negative into a positive worked for me
“Come on bro, man up.” “Act like a man.” “Be a man.” These phrases are heard by boys from a very young age from the media, their peers and sometimes even their own parents. “Be a man” is used in attempts to say, “be tough.” - June Kitahara. While this is the way the phrase is most often used (negatively), for me it resonated in a very different way.
Drawing Lines In The Sand
As I am writing this blog post I am preparing to present an in-person workshop on boundaries. What they are, why we may not have them, and how to create them in our lives. Boundaries are one of the 3 most important tools I ever learned about and then came to implement in my life. Along with my daily routines and being present, learning about and implementing boundaries has had an everlasting impact on me and my life.
Becoming A 50 Year Old Woman
I am pretty sure that, as long as I can remember, I have always wanted to be a 50-year-old woman. And, perhaps a Crone **
The women I was in awe of my whole life, were all “older.” They were well dressed, wore bold jewelry, had perfectly styled hair and were beautiful. They had such an air of class and confidence about them. That’s what I wanted, so badly.
I absolutely love stereotypes! They are what comedy is all about!! Making fun of people and the things they do whether that be the stereotype of the typical white hillbilly, the TikTok about the things “white people say,” black people eating fried chicken and watermelon, Asians being good at math! Nothing cracks me up more than Dave Chapelle doing one of his white guy impressions.
A Change in Plans: How to Lean Into the Unexpected
Back in the day, I was kind of controlling. My whole life I had been a planner, I liked people to arrive when they were supposed to, having dinner on the table when I said it would be and everyone to jump up and come to the table when I announced dinner was ready. When deciding what restaurant to go to I wanted to be one to choose, where we went did not seem to matter to others, but it did matter to me.
Calls in the Middle of the Night
On September 21st I woke up, fed our dogs, got my tea, grabbed my journal, and sat down to start my morning routine. (Journal, look at the current transits, then meditate) Just as I settled in to meditate, I had a “pinge” to check my text messages. As a rule, I do not check my phone until I have completed my morning routine. Our phones can send us into a spiral of thoughts and activity and these dopamine hits can make or break our whole day. This morning something told me to look at my phone right away.
Patience is a Virtue: In my opinion, it is more of an ongoing practice
That is what my mother always told me when I was a kid, often enough that it stuck with me. As I got older the reply to that comment, in my head at least, was “that I do not possess.”
Public Speaking
Ah public speaking, I just checked, and it is still at the top of the list of things that people are afraid of! It ranks above heights and going to the dentist!! Although I was scared to death and possibly “unable” to speak in public, I am happy to say that by taking a job that would push me out of my comfort zone and face speaking in public head on, I was able to make great progress in the public speaking arena.
The feeling of “Getting in Trouble”
There are some events that can immediately transport us back to our childhoods. For me, that is “getting in trouble,” even at the age of 54 I am a woman who still worries about getting in trouble and can feel like she is 7 when the possibility arises.
“Tests” Will Keep Showing Up Until You Listen and Learn
Do you ever feel like the same events, situations, or what are known as “tests” keep showing up in your life? Like they are trying to get your attention and tell you something? Well, they really are! And unless we stop, listen and take the time to learn the lesson they will just keep showing up. In this week’s blog post I want to share how I stopped to learn, listen and grow from such a test.
Dan The Expander
Let’s start with the definition of an expander from Lacy Phillips on her Podcast, To Be Magnetic, is someone who has created or achieved something in their life that we desire to also have or create.
Codependency Awareness Is “The Fix”
What does codependency mean to you? Every time I heard the words mentioned I thought they meant that you were in a bad or abusive relationship, and/or that you could not bear to live without the other person, you were dependent on them.
You Belong Here
I’m not sure about you but all through middle school and high school and maybe until I was like 25…..I did not feel like I fit in or sometimes like I was not even in the room, invisible. “Everyone” else seemed to be good at something, knew where they were going in life, what they were going to be when they grew up, they were all part of the cool kid clique.
Modeling Self-Control – My dad
Growing up we very rarely had sweets, sugar cereals (do we call it that now?) Little Debbie cakes, soda or potato chips in our home. If they did come home in the grocery bags it was proclaimed “once they are gone, they are gone.” Cookies and ice cream, which I believe to be my dad’s personal favorites were around on a more regular basis. BUT they were ice creams like cherry cordial or butter pecan that we would not be interested in, and cookies were limited to 3 a night.
Wow How I Have Changed Over Time by Doing “The Work”
Recently we received a call from a car business customer, they had totaled their vehicle that they were leasing through us. The first question we always ask is if they are ok. And honestly, the next is if they have spoken with their insurance company. As the payee, we handle the payoff, the title etc.
A 4 Day Work Week Is Possible
Madison Motors is the family car business that I have run for the last 8 years. The big car dealerships are open 6 days a week, until 8 pm during the week and on Saturdays. That is the “expectation.” My used car business is open 4 days a week, no late nights and no weekends.