Manifestation – have you heard of it? 

In the simplest terms, manifestation is putting your intention towards something that you hope will happen, and then watching it happen in real life. In other words, if you think it, it'll come true. - Julia Malacoff Look around the space you are in, you will find something that you once upon a time did not have, but desired, and now it is in your reality. The car you wanted, the pair of shoes you have on, the meal on your table. First, we thought of it and then it came to be in our lives. You can say “That’s just life,” but life is manifesting, and we are doing it in positive and negative ways all the time. There are lots of science, tools, and beliefs around the practice of manifestation. For some it comes easy, the house they want, the job they desire, everything comes easily to them, and others may feel like they cannot get it right. BUT, our lives are the result of our thoughts and our words, like it or not. Currently, I am participating in a “manifestation challenge”, and it got me thinking about a few things I have manifested in the past. The past but a time when I knew better, I got what I desired, but I was not specific or intentional about it. For me, that kind of manifesting is easy and an everyday thing. A non-specific desire or idea comes to me and boom it shows up quickly and honestly, it probably does for you too, if take the time to think about it. Let me throw out a few examples of easy and non-specific manifestations:

  • About 8 years ago my husband told me that we should get cats for the office. Within a few days, my daughter was driving past the bike path that was a mile from our home, there she found week-old kittens and she sent me a photo of the one she named Henry. Henry later turned out to be a girl, but that is beside the point. She said that there were more kittens, they had been left there. Being the humanitarian that I am, I got in the car right away and drove to the bike path. There I found a mother with her 5 kittens and another pregnant cat. With the help of a few other people at the bike path, I loaded them all up took them home, and tucked them safely in the garage. By the time I got home from work that night, the mother had birthed 5 or 6 more kittens. By the end of the day, we had 12-14 cats in our garage. The careless part is that I wanted or needed just 2. A few of the kittens found new homes, we lost a few and Henry and Kelsey are still at our office to this day. Torturing and killing a mouse every now and then. 

  • Before moving to West Jefferson, Ohio I lived in Cincinnati, and out East, trees were everywhere. When my daughter and I moved into my husband’s home in West Jefferson, Ohio that was built on old farmland, there were 8 acres and 15 trees on the whole plot. Trees, I wanted trees and lots of them. Over 5 or 6 years I planted a few here and there. Still, I wanted trees all over the yard. Then one day, one of the guys who work for us mentioned all the maple seedlings growing in his gutters and that he would be cleaning them out that weekend. Well come Monday I had about a hundred little “trees.” I nurtured about six of them in small, protected spots around the garden. After a few years, they were moved to where I wanted them in the yard. Point here, I again was not specific, and I ended up with 100 trees, too many to deal with. 

  • Jump to the last few weeks – at the start of the work shift, there was an incident with an employee whose, if we had enough staff, poor work ethic would not be tolerated. The reality is my husband (the boss) will not fire this bad employee until we have someone else to take his place and get the work done. Nonchalantly I thought “Can’t get rid of him until we find another to do his work.” That is all the thought that I gave the episode. A few hours later, early that afternoon, in walks a guy looking for a job. I used the word “nonchalantly” because once again I was not specific about what I desired. We are only 2 weeks into Shawn’s employment so it remains to be seen if he will work out. We just needed a “guy”, and I got us one.

With that last example, If I had been more intentional, (and I am not saying Shawn is not these things) I would have asked for him to have qualities that are valuable in an employee hardworking, reliable, smart etc. The lack of attachment is the key in each of these examples. I did not give it much thought or any emotion. It was just a thought and I moved on. This lack of attachment to something is key to attracting or calling it in yet that is so hard. When we “want” something, we are usually attached to it showing up. We think about it, the fact that it has not shown up and will it ever? This attachment makes it harder for the actual thing to get to us. This is the trickiest part of manifestation, lack of attachment to the outcome. I challenge you to take the time during your day to notice the words and the emotions that you regularly use. The emotion that you attach to things, people, or events. Whatever we focus on, we receive more of it. What have you been nonchalantly manifesting into your reality? Sit down one day this week and notice or even better, write down, what you have manifested over the last year. A new sweater, a stove, a new set of silverware. You probably manifested those things without giving it a thought, imagine if you were aware and chose your words, feelings, and manifestations. What will you consciously manifest in the next 12 months?


Nothing Lasts Forever


Be A Man – turning a negative into a positive worked for me