a widely held but fixed and oversimplified image or idea of a particular type of person or thing.
I absolutely love stereotypes! They are what comedy is all about!! Making fun of people and the things they do whether that be the stereotype of the typical white hillbilly, the TikTok about the things “white people say,” black people eating fried chicken and watermelon, Asians being good at math! Nothing cracks me up more than Dave Chapelle doing one of his white guy impressions.
Most of us, in one way or another, fit into some sort of stereotype. Back in my garage door sales days, I was visiting a customer and when they asked what I was doing that weekend I said that my family and I were going camping. “What type of camping” they asked, cabin or RV? We were going good old fashioned, tent on the ground, camping and cooking every meal over the open flame. They looked at me like either I was insane or “you?” When I asked for clarification, the answer was that I did not look like someone who went tent camping. (With my hair and makeup, acrylic nails, nicely dressed, did I look like the type of person who was going to go out and get muddy and had the wherewithal to rough it?
A few months ago, Cherie, a fellow car dealer came to my lot to check out a vehicle that she was thinking of purchasing from my company. She had brought along her uncle, who helps her from time to time. We all went to the back of the lot to check out the vehicle which had been repossessed, there were still a few personal items in it. As we stood next to the vehicle, I noticed there was a nice, new Wilson basketball in the back seat. I reached in and grabbed the ball, as I held and handled the ball memories of my high school basketball career came rushing back. Cherie’s uncle said to me “what do you know about basketball?”
My first thought was “what??? just because I am a girl” My verbal response was “I played varsity ball in high school.”
As I was doing research for this blog, I investigated the definitions of stereotype and of prejudice. Prejudice, at least on the internet, is mostly reserved for really bad and/or negative connotations. But if we break down the word, it means to “prejudge” something or someone. Because of the way I look and dress at work I fit a certain “stereotype.” Based on that the people above pre-judged me.
Work Lisa look very different than off work Lisa. I am an athlete, I garden, cut grass, tear out drywall, when needed, and complete almost any other chore that needs to be done. That’s how Dad raised me!
When these comments are made, I can feel a bit of my ego go “damn straight I CAN!!” to anything. But, mostly I sit back and watch and laugh at the stereotype that I guess I fit.