The 5am Club

There is a book called the 5am Club by Robin Sharma. The idea is that you set your alarm, get out of bed at 5am, to set up your day for success. What you do with this time is important.

Personally, I have been a member of the 5am Club Member for as long as I can remember. At age 7, I can remember hanging over the back of the couch, looking out the front window waiting for everyone in my family to wake up.

When we were a little older my younger sister would have sleepovers, which I rarely had because staying up all night has never been my idea of a good time. In the morning I would wait, until I couldn’t stand it anymore, and go into my sister’s room to see if they were awake. I was up early, why weren’t they?

When I was about 20, in my first apartment, I found myself waking up earlier and earlier. This is when I developed the habit of getting my workouts in before work. Getting up early has allowed me the alone time that I need. It makes me a better, Mother, Wife, Business Owner. My schedule has changed over time. At the writing of this my alarm goes off at 3:35 am. (I do just lay in bed after the alarm goes off some days) 3:35AM is a mid-point between 3 am, which is still nighttime, and 4am which seems too late.

Of course, my bedtime changed too. Previously, I was fighting to stay awake until 9pm because I “should.” And my friends made soooo much fun of me for going to bed early. And they still do, but they know it is who I am. My bedtime shifted from 9PM to 8pm and it was still pointless in fighting to stay awake. As of early 2022 I have settled on going to bed at 7pm and getting up at 3:35. My typical morning (and it is 7 days a week) is get up, get my coffee, journal, then meditate, read something spiritual or watch gene keys on YouTube. When the sun comes up and sometimes before, I walk the dogs and then lift and/or hit the Peloton. Typically, I listen to a podcast or a book while walking, lifting and getting ready for work. I will continue to say about everything that I do, I am not perfect, I skip days, lay in bed for way too long before getting up to feed the dogs, skip my meditation.

An early morning routine gets me ahead of the day. Sets me up for a good day!

*** Not a morning person but want to be? Start slowly by getting up a bit earlier every week.


A little about me

