A little about me
Hi I’m Lisa
When was the last time you were inspired to try something, do something, by an influencer, someone on YouTube. Someone running down the street. Someone who dresses a way you wish you were brave enough to pull off. Try a haircut, start a workout, plant a flower, cook a meal, start a business. It happens to me all of the time.
I try on what I learn or observe. Will this help me? Does it feel right? If I take away just one piece of inspiration or knowledge from anywhere, that is all I need!!! There is always MORE. This is my wish for you, find one thing that inspires you and in turn maybe you inspire another!!!
My gift is sharing stories, resources and experiences that have helped me become comfortable with who I am. Join me as I share what I have been through, tried, liked, disliked and continue my journey of exploration and growth.
Since I was young, I have read tons of magazines, taken the quizzes to see “How Resilient Are You?” Dug into my horoscope to have it help me identify who I am. As someone who lacked self-worth and confidence growing up...I did not fit in in middle school, high school and as an adult I still feel like I do not fit in sometimes. Over the last few years, I have learned that this is part of the experience I chose to have in this lifetime.
I will say over and over that I am not perfect, but I have and continue to discover who I am, who I am here to be. What things work for me and what do not. Use these tools and resources as a starting point for you and if you want, they can lead to things that you may never have considered.