Small Check in the Mail

Appreciate Money even $5.21

A few weeks back I received a check in the mail for $5.21.  My reaction could have been “only $5.21” or “wow I was not expecting a check, and this is amazing!! Let’s get it into the bank!!!”

The Secret taught us to go to the mailbox with glee, whether you are expecting to receive bills or checks.  Our energy creates our reality. If there is a bill say “thank you”, if there is a check say “thank you.” Mean it when you say it, feel the gratitude. This all sounds easy if what we find in the mailbox is a big old check! But, what if what we get is a check for “only” $5.21? 

To some people $5.21 is a lot of $ and for some it may feel like peanuts but what matters is are you excited or bummed? This is your energy around money. Whichever way you react, the universe and your subconscious lock onto that feeling.  If you want more $, a lot or a little, you must express to the universe that you appreciate what it has provided. Next time it may be $500 or even $5,000. Your emotion regarding the receipt of $ no matter the amount is ALL that matters. 

The “yeah” vibe tells the universe that you want more, the “nah” tells the universe not to bother sending $ your way, you don’t appreciate any $ at all. Which one do you want to lock onto?

I took that little check to the bank that day!! I appreciated it, proudly signed the back of it and expressed more appreciation as I deposited it into my bank account. Your subconscious and the universe are always part of the equation. 

Take that $ to the bank today! Don’t put it in a drawer or a cupholder until more arrives. Do it NOW, appreciate it NOW. See what happens next!!


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