If You Like Astrology, You Are Going to Love Human Design
Growing up, I never felt like I fit in anywhere. The people around me knew what they wanted to be when they grew up; they had skills like math or science, things they were good at, music, art, and theater. My high school class produced an epic comedian and a Rhodes scholar, for heaven’s sake. When I sat and tried to feel into or imagine what I wanted to do or be, there was nothing. Nothing I was good at, I was a great basketball player, but I was not going to go pro.
In my teens and 20s, I would read my monthly horoscope in the back of Glamour magazine, the local newspaper, or even the TV Guide. Your astrological sign is based on the month, day, and year of your birth. My birth sign is Sagittarius, known for bluntness, or as I call it, open mouth, insert foot. Things can come out of my mouth that are not intended to hurt or offend but sometimes can or do. Sagittarians are always seeking knowledge, which I am, but they also tend to be gamblers and want to travel all the time. No poker for me, and I really like being at home. In looking to find out about me, my birth sign leaves much to be desired.
Three years ago, I was asked by someone who became a long-term coach and mentor for my birth name, date, time, and place. She put that information into a software and then sent me my Human Design chart. It shows that I am a 6/2 Manifesting Generator with an emotional authority. My non-self-theme is frustration, and my incarnation cross is the Left Angle Cross of Duality. My life has not been the same since.
Often in life, I wished I had had a manual for my life. Who I am, what I want to do, what I am good at, how I should do things. Human Design is that manual.
Imagine before our soul incarnated into this body, it was up there in the supermarket of life, where our soul chooses what experience it wants to have in this physical body, on this earth, in this lifetime. While my soul was up there roaming the aisles, it chose for my mom’s family to always make me feel like an outsider. For me to always be searching for the right people and where I fit in. To always have the willpower to finish a task and go after my dreams but also to change my mind and stop doing that thing then suddenly. It chose to have a clear voice to share my stories and experiences. I deeply wish that while she was shopping, my soul had seen fit to have chosen the add-on that included always being connected to my intuition.
Ok, ok, what is Human Design? Human Design is referred to by Jenna Zoe, a Human Design coach and podcaster, as a part-science, part-spiritual system that tells you who you came here to be. A system that says you chose to be born at an exact moment in time based on the energy in the neutrino field at exact the time of your birth. To come here and be this version of you and have this experience. As you passed through the neutrino field, you were imprinted with the energies that made you, you. There is no one exactly like you.
How it works is that you or a coach puts your birth info in the Jovian software, and it gives you a visual chart with nine centers there are channels, gates, centers, defined and open, circuitry—the terms go on and on and can be viewed at a surface level, or you can go deep.
There are also four arrows, and mine all point left. Left means I have a more masculine approach to many things; I told you that my dad always wanted a boy!
Over the past 12 months, I have come to understand more and more about my design. There are apps, podcasts, software, and even a school of Human Design for those who want to dig in.
A lot of what Human Design has given me is the proof that I just am who I am. Permission to be me and not always look to find out why I am this way; it is just what I chose.
Examples of what I learned about myself through the Human Design Journey:
Remember how I was scared to death to speak? But I kept at it, taking a job that would make me teach four-hour classes about garage doors. Well, my design shows that I am here to live my life and share my stories. Having a defined throat which allows me to be an engaging speaker. As a 6/2, I have lived a life with many experiences that I can now share.
For many years, I traveled for work. At the end of a three or four-day trip, I would be completely in knots. One time I remember after a three-day meeting in Vegas, sitting at a restaurant bar, since I had hours until my flight, feeling like my insides were coming out. Frustrated, anxious, and having no idea what to do about it. Neither food nor wine would make the feeling stop. What I came to understand is that as a 6/2, the 2 piece is the hermit. I am meant to spend time with people, but I also need time to decompress, alone. When I came to understand what those feelings meant, I started staying an extra night after meetings or conventions, hanging out in my hotel room, getting room service, watching TV, or maybe doing a little shopping ALONE. Then I could head back to reality, fresh.
As an emotional authority, I now understand that I am meant to ride out the urge to buy that Aldo purse at TJ Maxx. It may be a yes right now, but that does not mean that it will be a yes, the next day. And I did return it a few days later. The Tory Burch purse I contemplated buying for two weeks as I rode out the emotional wave is still a firm yes. For as long as I can remember when a big or small decision would need to be made, I did not make them in the late afternoon, and I almost always slept on things. Knowing that how I feel in the morning is usually the right decision. Knowing that I am an emotional authority with a defined solar plexus, helps me remember to wait to make decisions.
As a Manifesting Generator, I want to try what is new—collagen, yoga, breathwork, micro-dosing. If I am called to, I will try it. If it is not a fit, I will quickly move on. Even after running for two years, I came home one day and told my husband I was done. I never ran again. Mani Gen.
When there is a conflict between people in my life or when something happens in the world, the people around me or the news can jump to there being one truth or that one side is right and the other is wrong, I tend to see all sides and not have strong opinions around many things. This can be annoying to my husband or others who want me to take their side in the moment and not like that I can challenge their belief or side. This is my Gate 6 in my Solar Plexus.
Human Design tells me that as a 6/2—6 being the role model and as I mentioned the 2 being the hermit—I go through phases in my evolution as a human, culminating in turning 50 and FINALLY having more peace within myself and being ready to share my experiences with the world.
I always want people to feel welcome and constantly seek where I fit in, that is my Gate 37 in my solar plexus center. Knowing this gives me the peace of mind to know that I am not “needy” it is just who I came here to be.
My husband, whom I always thought was antisocial, is a 2/4—hermit then opportunist. He does not like to be around people much and does not like many people. He’s not an antisocial jerk; he is just who he came here to be.
Three years into my Human Design journey, I am still learning, growing, and coming to understand who I came here to be. It has been a magical unfolding, and one I am training to be able to help others with if they are ready and willing!!!